Priced Out? Here Are Budget Alternatives to Iconic Vintage Pedals

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Vintage guitar pedals are often sold at sky-high prices. This is often due to their rarity and the legendary guitar tones that they’ve helped create on classic records. 


The Klon Centaur is a great example of this. If you’re not familiar, the Centaur was an overdrive pedal that was designed and released in the early 1990s. They were discontinued in 2009, and since then, they have become so sought-after that they often sell on the used market for $4,000-$10,000!


But for most guitar players, shelling out hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a stompbox isn’t feasible. 


Fortunately, the guitar pedal market is massive, and many pedal companies offer clones of these iconic circuits that deliver similar tones at a fraction of the cost.


I wanted to explore some of today’s most expensive vintage guitar pedals and provide a few budget-friendly options to replicate their sounds.


Klon Centaur

Klon Centaur

Let’s get the obvious one out of the way. If you’ve ever looked at vintage pedal prices, you know the original Klon Centaurs sell for a small fortune. And while they are an amazing-sounding overdrive pedal, you shouldn’t have to sell your car to afford good tone.


Here are a few Klon Centaur clones that hold up to the original:


Wampler Pedals – Tumnus

wampler tumnus


Wampler’s Tumnus is a near-perfect recreation of the iconic Centaur – in a much smaller, much more affordable package.

Find the Tumnus on Amazon


J Rockett – Archer Select

j rockett archer select

J Rockett’s Archer overdrive is an iconic pedal in itself. The original Archer is a fantastic Klon clone, but the Archer Select is a very cool take on the classic Klon circuit. The Archer Select offers six different clipping options that offer a wide range of different Klon-like overdrive sounds.

View the Archer Select on Amazon



Mosky Pedals – Golden Horse

mosky golden horse

The Golden Horse is perhaps the cheapest Klon clone on the market. But for being so cheap, it honestly isn’t a bad overdrive pedal. It certainly offers a Klon-like tone! Next time you get a random Amazon gift card as a gift, do yourself a favor and grab a Golden Horse!

View the Golden Horse on Amazon


Check out this massive list of Klon Centaur clones if you’re looking for other options!

Vintage TS-808 Tube Screamers

vintage tube screamer

Made famous by players like Stevie Ray Vaughan, vintage Ibanez TS-808 Tube Screamers are now quite expensive. Especially when they contain the coveted ‘JRC4558’ chip. These JRC4558 Tube Screamers are currently selling for over $2,000 on the used market.


However, unless you are an avid collector of vintage pedals, you can get more or less the same warm overdrive tone out of a current issue TS-808.


If you’re on the hunt for that Ibanez TS-808 tone, here are some budget-friendly clones:


Ibanez TS-808 Reissue

The TS-808 reissue was made to capture the same mojo of the classic TS-808s that now sell for thousands. The reissue offers the same tones and controls as the original and even looks exactly like the old version – down to the iconic square footswitch.

View the TS-808 Reissue on Amazon


Jam Pedals TubeDreamer

jam pedals tubedreamer

The TubeDreamer is a faithful TS-808 clone that is made to sound just like the original. In fact, Jam Pedals even utilizes the same JRC4558D chip that gives vintage TS-808s their exorbitant price tag.

Find the TubeDreamer on Amazon


Joyo Vintage Overdrive

joyo vintage overdrive

If you’re looking for a very budget-friendly TS-808 clone, the Joyo Vintage Overdrive is a solid choice. Despite its price, the Vintage Overdrive still employs an RC4558 chip and delivers on the promise of offering warm, TS-808-inspired overdrive.

View the Vintage Overdrive on Amazon


JHS Pedals Bonsai

jhs pedals bonsai

The Bonsai is the final boss of Tube Screamer clones. It features nine tube screamer modes – including the TS-808 – in one convenient pedal. Aside from the TS-808 circuit, the Bonsai also clones the TS-9, the TS-10, and the iconic tube screamer mods from Keeley Electronics and JHS Pedals.

Find the Bonsai on Amazon


Sam Ash Fuzzz Boxx/Astrotone

sam ash fuzzz boxx

The Fuzzz Boxx is an iconic vintage fuzz pedal from the 60s that sounds great but comes with a hefty price tag. I’m looking at one for sale right now for $1,000. 


But if you’re looking for that sweet Fuzzz Boxx/Astrotone sound, there are a few clones available today:


Sam Ash Fuzzz Boxx / Astrotone Clones


T.X Pedals – Nebulae

tx pedals nebulae

The Nebulae is a modern take on the Fuzzz Boxx. T.X Pedals built the Nebulae as their own interpretation of what the original could have sounded like, and the result is a pedal that can do anything from subtle overdrive to full on vintage-style fuzz.

Find the Nebulae on the T.X Pedals website


Analog Man Astro Tone

analogman astrotone
Photo courtesy of

The Astro Tone from Analog Man is a beautiful recreation of the original Astrotone/Fuzzz Boxx, and some people even say the Analog Man version is better than the OG.

Learn more from



Mojo Hand FX Zephyr

mojo hand fx zephyr

Mojo Hand FX has discontinued the Zephyr, but you can still find them on the used market at a decent price. 


The Zephyr is a modern recreation of the original, delivering that classic fuzz tone of the Sam Ash Fuzzz Boxx/Astrotone.