the best amp sim pedals

The Best Amp Sim Pedals for Every Guitarist

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Amp simulation technology has come a long way, and today’s best amp sim pedals can deliver studio-quality tones without the need for hauling around heavy, fragile tube amps. Whether you’re looking for a direct-in solution for live gigs, a silent practice setup, or pro-level tones for recording, amp sim pedals offer incredible flexibility for guitarists of all styles.

With so many options on the market, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to the best amp sim pedals, featuring top-tier models for every budget and amp style. From high-end units to budget-friendly choices, these amp sim pedals will take your tone to the next level.

The Best Amp Sim Pedals

PedalAmp Emulation(s)Where to Buy 
Strymon - Iridium- Fender Deluxe Reverb
- Vox AC30
- Marshall Plexi Super Lead
Amazonstrymon iridium
Universal Audio - Dream- 1965 Fender Deluxe ReverbAmazonuniversal audio dream
Walrus Audio - ACS1 MKII- Fender Deluxe Reverb
- 1962 Marshall BluesBreaker
- 60's Vox AC30
- Peavey 5150
- Orange Rockerverb
- Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
Amazonwalrus audio acs1 mkii
Universal Audio - Ruby- '63 Vox AC30Amazonuniversal audio ruby
DSM Humboldt - Simplifier X- 1960s VOX AC-15
- 1959 Fender Bassman
- 1959 Marshall Plexi
- 60s Vox AC30 Top Boost
- Fender Hot Rod
- Marshall JCM800
Amazondsm humboldt simplifier x
Flamma Innovation - FS06 Preamp- Fender Blues Deluxe
- Vox AC30
- Two Rock Coral
- Marshall Plexi 50
- Friedman BE-100
- Mesa Boogie Mark V
- EVH 5150
Amazonflamma fs06 preamp
IK Multimedia TONEX / TONEX One- Thousands of amp models available via their softwareAmazonik multimedia tonex
BOSS - IR-2- Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
- Fender Twin Reverb
- 1959 Fender Bassman
- VOX AC-30
- Marshall 1959 Super Lead
- Soldano SLO-100
- 5 Original amp models created by BOSS
Amazonboss ir2

Iridium – Strymon

strymon iridium

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Amp Models Included in the Strymon Iridium:

  • Round – Based on a Fender Deluxe Reverb
  • Chime – Based on a Vox AC30
  • Punch – Based on a Marshall Plexi Super Lead

Whether you want a no-amp live gig setup, a silent amp to play at home with headphones, or a new tool for your studio – the Strymon Iridium is an incredible choice in the amp sim pedal world. 

The Iridium features three different amp models that are designed to resemble either a Fender Deluxe Reverb, a Vox AC30, or a Marshall Plexi. Each of the amp models is accompanied by three IR choices specifically designed to work with each amp model. However, Strymon also provides an IR manager software that allows you to edit the IRs and even upload new IRs to the Iridium. Needless to say, there is a nearly endless supply of tones available from the Iridium.

Aside from stereo inputs and outputs, the Iridium also features a ⅛” headphone out jack that allows you to use the Iridium silently with a pair of headphones – an awesome addition for those of us living in a place where you can’t crank up your amp. 

If you’ve ever watched a pedal demo on the Pedal Haven YouTube channel, you’re hearing the Iridium in action.

Where to buy the Strymon Iridium

strymon iridium

Dream – Universal Audio

universal audio dream

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The Universal Audio is made to emulate a 1965 Fender Deluxe Reverb amplifier.

If you are a fan of Fender-style amplifiers, the Dream from Universal Audio is the choice for you. This amp sim pedal is inspired heavily by the ‘65 Fender Deluxe Reverb, and Universal Audio has worked tirelessly to recreate the feel, breakup, and sound of this classic Fender amp – in pedal form. 

The Dream from Universal Audio has an onboard drippy, spring-style reverb available and an amp-like vibrato effect that we all know and love from Fender-style amps. 

Universal Audio also supplies an app that can pair to the Dream and control a myriad of features like using artist-made presets, your own presets, changing IR cabinets, and even changing the function of the pedal’s footswitches to suit your needs.

Where to buy the Universal Audio Dream

universal audio dream

TONEX – IK Multimedia

ik multimedia tonex

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The TONEX features thousands of high-quality amplifier and cabinet models.

IK Multimedia (the brains behind AmpliTube) has been at the forefront of digital gear and music plugins for quite some time. The TONEX pedal is their latest innovation into amp modeling, bringing AI-powered tone capturing into a physical pedal for your pedalboard.

With access to 1,000 amp models to choose from – ranging from rare vintage amps to modern high-gain stacks – the TONEX pedal delivers a wide array of stunningly realistic-sounding amp tones in a pedalboard-friendly format. Plus, you can browse through countless user-generated amp models and profiles made by other TONEX users.

One of the more exciting features of the TONEX pedal is it gives you the ability to profile your own gear, whether that is your amplifier or your entire pedalboard, and recall those captures within the TONEX itself. Meaning you can leave your rig at home. A perfect choice for the traveling guitar player or someone who doesn’t want to lug their amp back and forth from band practice.

Where to buy the IK Multimedia TONEX

ik multimedia tonex

TONEX One – IK Multimedia

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The TONEX One offers the same amp and cabinet options as the TONEX, but in a tiny package.

The TONEX One is a compact, streamlined version of the TONEX pedal featured above. While this smaller version lacks MIDI functionality and only has one footswitch (slightly less convenient preset switching), it still delivers the same powerful amp modeling capabilities as its larger counterpart.

You can browse through thousands of “Tone Models” created by IK Multimedia and the TONEX community, as well as capture your own gear – Then you can load your favorites into one of the 20 available preset slots in the pedal.

Where to buy the IK Multimedia TONEX One

tonex one

ACS1 MKII – Walrus Audio

walrus audio acs1 mkii

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Amp Models Included in the ACS1 MKII:

  • Fullerton – Based on a Fender Deluxe Reverb
  • London – Based on a 1962 Marshall BluesBreaker
  • Dartford – Based on a 60’s Vox AC30
  • Red – Based on a Peavey 5150
  • Citrus – Based on an Orange Rockerverb
  • Tread – Based on a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier

The Walrus Audio ACS1 is another fantastic amp sim pedal that includes six different amp models for a variety of different tonal options from vintage sounds to modern high-gain amps. The vintage amp models are based on the Fender Deluxe Reverb, a ‘62 Marshall Bluesbreaker, and a ‘60s Vox AC30 while the high-gain amps are modeled after the Peavey 5150, Orange Rockerverb, and the Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier. The Walrus Audio team has preloaded the ACS1 with 6 custom speaker cabinet IRs, and you can also add your own IRs to the pedal.

An exciting feature of the ACS1 is that not only does it have stereo inputs and outputs, but if you use the stereo outputs you can choose to send different amp models to each output – which opens up a whole new world of pseudo-two-amp tones.

The ACS1 also features a ⅛ headphone output so you can plug in your headphones and (silently) rock out without waking up the neighborhood.

Where to Buy the Walrus Audio ACS1 MKII

walrus audio acs1 mkii


boss ir2

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Amp Models Included in the IR-2:

  • RFIER – Based on a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
  • TWIN – Based on a Fender Twin Reverb
  • TWEED – Based on a 1959 Fender Bassman
  • DIAMOND – Based on a Vox AC-30
  • BRIT – Based on a Marshall 1959 Super Lead
  • SLDN – Based on a Soldano SLO-100
  • Crunch – High clarity crunch channel (Original BOSS amp model)
  • Clean – Clean tone (Original BOSS amp model)
  • Brown – High gain amp derived from the BOSS Katana amps (Original BOSS amp model)
  • Modded – Extreme gain (Original BOSS amp model)
  • Hi-Gain – High gain amp (Original BOSS amp model)

The BOSS IR-2 is an amp sim pedal that features a nice mix of amp models inspired by classic guitar amps and a handful of fresh amp sounds that BOSS has created for the IR-2. It features 11 amp models to choose from, and each is paired with Celestion cabinet IRs (but you can also load your own IRs into the pedal if you want).

Like anything from BOSS, the IR-2 has an incredibly intuitive interface and will have you dialing in realistic amp sounds as soon as you plug it in.

The IR-2 features stereo connectivity and an onboard FX Loop that allows you to patch in your modulation pedals, delay pedals, and reverb pedals into the chain after the amp just like you might with a real amplifier.

Where to buy the BOSS IR-2

boss ir2

Ruby – Universal Audio

universal audio ruby

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The Universal Audio is made to emulate a ’63 Vox AC30.

Another incredible pedal from Universal Audio’s line of amp sim pedals is the Ruby. The Ruby is modeled after a ‘63 Top Boost Amplifier – a 1963 Vox AC30 to be specific – and does a fantastic job of replicating the tone and feel of that amplifier. 

The Ruby is equipped with an onboard vibrato effect and three different speaker cabinet IRs to choose from. And, of course, you can use the Universal Audio app to edit or change speaker cabinets, presets, and various amp settings to your liking. 

Where to buy the Universal Audio Ruby

universal audio ruby

Simplifier X – DSM Humboldt

dsm humboldt simplifier x

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Amp Models Included in the Simplifer X:

  • AC Brit – Based on a 1960s VOX AC-15
  • USA – Based on a 1959 Fender Bassman
  • MS Brit – Based on a 1959 Marshall Plexi
  • AC Brit TB – Based on a 60s Vox AC30 Top Boost
  • USA Rod – Based on a Fender Hot Rod
  • MS 800 – Based on a Marshall JCM800

The Simplifier X from DSM Humboldt is a zero-watt stereo amplifier that is packed with features. Like some of the other amp sims mentioned above, the Simplifier X features different amp models based on classic Vox and Marshall amplifiers. However, the Simplifier offers a wide range of customization on both the preamp and power amp sections of the amp emulations, and other tone-shaping features like the speaker cabinet type and reverb. The Simplifier X is laid out in a way that allows you to set up two different “amp” sounds, and A/B between them so you have two completely different amp sounds on the fly. It is a fantastic amp sim choice for those who like to dive deep into their gear (and people who hate digital menus).

The Simplifier also features a headphone output to allow you to play silently too!

Where to buy the DSM Humboldt Simplifier X

dsm humboldt simplifier x

FS06 Preamp – Flamma Innovation

flamma fs06 preamp

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Amp Models Included in the FS06 Preamp:

  • DeluxeBlue – Based on a Fender Blues Deluxe
  • AC31 – Based on a Vox AC30
  • Coral Reef – Based on a Two Rock Coral
  • Plex 50 – Based on a Marshall Plexi 50
  • Blue Eye 100 – Based on a Friedman BE-100
  • MB5th Gen – Based on a Mesa Boogie Mark V
  • HVE 5151 – Based on an EVH 5150

My favorite budget-friendly amp sim pedal is the FS06 Preamp from Flamma Innovation. The Flamma team has managed to pack 7 different amp models into the FS06 Preamp, ranging from Fender and Vox-inspired amp models to a Peavey 5150 model. And each of the 7 amp models has two channels (clean and dirty) – so you really get a massive range of great-sounding amp simulations within the Preamp pedal.

The Preamp from Flamma also features an internal cabinet simulation so you can plug it directly into a mixer or interface for a fully silent recording setup. I’ll be honest, I wish the FS06 had more customization options for its cab emulation (it has none!), but it is not bad at all. For such a budget-friendly amp sim pedal, it is hard to beat the FS06 Preamp from Flamma Innovation.

Where to buy the Flamma Innovation FS06 Preamp

flamma fs06 preamp